What Is The Difference Between MBR and GPT

What Is The Difference Between MBR and GPT?

When you want to add a new disc to your Windows PC, you should know whether you want to use a GPT (GUID Partition Table) or MBR (Master Boot Record) partition table. MBR and GPT are partitioning schemes used for hard drives.

GPT is the newer standard when compared to the older MBR. It can offer many distinct advantages including greater maximum capacity, a greater number of partitions for accommodating more applications, and the latest firmware UEFI as well. It can be a better option when you want to upgrade the partition system on your computer and machine. However, most of the computers manufactured in the last 3 to 5 years already accommodate the new GPT partition system and have evolved over and above the MBR.

If you want an answer to the question “What Is The Difference Between MBR and GPT?” you should read the article and go through the information given below. It will help you know more about the subject and decide which option is more suitable when you want to upgrade.


When you want to better understand GPT and MBR, you should first try to understand what a “partition/partition table” is. A partition is a separate section located on a hard drive. The operating system uses the hard drive for the boot-up process and other functionalities. A partition will be displayed as a drive in the “File Explorer” tab and section. However, these are on the same HDD (Hard Disc Drive).

Use of MBR and GPT

You should partition the disc before you use it. GPT and MBR are used for storing the information regarding this partitioning on the drive. For instance, the information reveals to the operating system of the computer where the partitioning begins and where it ends on the physical disc. Therefore, the components help the operating system know which of the partitions can be booted.


IBM first introduced MBR in1983. The reserved space is located at the start of the drive. It contains information on how the partitions on the drive should be organized. MBR is called bootloader because it has the code for launching the operating system.


MBR is being gradually replaced by GPT as it is the newer standard. It contains information on how the partitions have been organized and how the operating system can be booted up through the drive. Therefore, GPT ensures that the device can be booted-up and at least some data recovered even if a partition section has been corrupted or erased.

What Is The Difference Between MBR and GPT?

There are many differences between the MBR and GPT. Some of the important ones are listed and described in brief below.

Maximum capacity

An MBR partitioning table has a maximum capacity of two terabytes. You can use drives greater than two terabytes along with the MBR partition table. However, only the first two terabytes will be utilized and the rest will be wasted.

GPR partition table has a capacity of 9.7 zettabytes. 1 Zeta byte bite is approximately equal to 1 million terabytes. GPT can offer much more capacity when compared to MBR. Therefore, you will not run out of space anytime while using it.

Number of separate partitions

There may be up to four partitions in the MBR partition table. An extended partition can also be created by using one of the four partitions of an MBR. If we consider this fact, there can be up to 26 partitions on the MBR partition table.

There are up to 128 partitions on the GPT partition table. Therefore, you can use all your applications and still accommodate more when you use the GPT partition table.


BIOS is the firmware or software that comes along with the hardware component. MBR being the older partition table, has the older BIOS system. GPT partition table has the newest version of BIOS, which is also called UEFI. It can provide for a much faster boot-up time and many other benefits.

Should You Upgrade To The Newest GPT?

“If it is not broken you should not fix it!”. If your partition drive on the machine is the MBR partition table, you do not upgrade to the newest GPT if you do not need it. It may damage sectors of the drive and the system may not boot up again. If this occurs, you will have to install the operating system again or may have to use the Windows/Linux USB drive for repairing the system and MBR.

However, you can upgrade to GPT if you want more space and use lots of applications. If you are thinking of it, you should first ensure that your hardware and the machine can support the newer GPT partition table as well as the new firmware UEFI. If you are sure that you want to upgrade, you should also create a backup of the drive first and save all the important data on the computer and machine.


Technology evolves every day and all components get their newer versions from time to time. However, your machine should be tuned up according to your needs. Both MBR and GPT can fulfill the partitioning requirements of the drive. You should be upgrading to GPT only when you require it.

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